Page 24 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 24


                              Reading with your fingers

          Because blind people can’t see,
          they can have some communication
          problems. For example, they can’t see
          labels on medicine boxes, street signs or
          menus in restaurants. They can’t see a person’s
          facial expression or gestures.
          So what do blind people do? Well, they use other senses
          – the sense of touch and hearing – more than people who
          can see well. When talking to someone, they can’t see the
          person’s face, but they can understand the person’s emotions
          from the tone of their voice. They use their fingers to feel what
          they can’t see.

          They also read with their hands. They have a reading and writing
          system called braille. A Frenchman called Louis Braille first published
          his system in 1829. The person in this photo is reading a magazine
          in braille. The page has got many raised dots on it. The dots make
          shapes and each different shape is a letter or number. You can find
          braille in many places these days. It is on buttons in lifts, it is on menus
          in some restaurants and it is on medicine boxes.

          Blind people can also use computers. A voice can read out what is on
          the screen and a speech recognition system can translate what they say
          into text. There are also special printers that can print text in braille.

           blind – niewidomy                    raised dots – wypukłe kropki
           label – etykieta                     shape – kształt
           sense  – zmysł                       button – przycisk, guzik
           touch – dotyk                        lift – winda
           hearing – słuch                      speech   recognition system – system
           feel – czuć                                 rozpoznawania mowy
           publish – opublikować                translate – przełożyć
                                                printer – drukarka
                                                print – drukować
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